Charlene Polio
Professor and Associate Chair
Office: B-251 Wells Hall
Phone: 517-884-1502
Email: polio@msu.edu
Website: charlenepolio.com
Ph.D in Applied Linguistics from UCLA; MS in TESOL from the University of Pennsylvania; BA in Linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania
Charlene Polio (Professor; B.A. University of Pennsylvania; 1983; M.S. University of Pennsylvania; 1984; Ph.D. UCLA, 1992) specializes in the area of second language writing and research methodology. In addition, she has published studies on discourse patterns of preservice and experienced teachers. Professor Polio’s publications appear in various journals including Studies in Second Language Acquisition, The Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, and Journal of Second Language Writing as well as several edited volumes. She has recently published two books, one on research methods for L2 writing, with Debra Friedman, and one on using authentic materials, with Eve Zyzik. She has served on the editorial boards of TESOL Quarterly and the Journal of Second Language Writing. She is the co-editor of TESOL Quarterly. Professor Polio has also taught ESL for several years in academic programs both in the US and China, and has had much practical experience in the area of language assessment.