In order to provide students with a desirable level of language proficiency and good training in cultural knowledge, the Chinese program at MSU established the following three study abroad programs. These programs provide students with a good opportunity to get to know Chinese society and culture and become immersed in the Chinese speaking environment. Students participating in these programs pay MSU tuition and earn MSU credits.

Harbin Institute of Technology in Harbin, China

Summer-, Semester-, and Year-Long Programs

Program Director: Dr. Xiaoshi Li
Program Website:

The program helps students obtain intensive training in Chinese language with maximum exposure to the Chinese language environment; and increase cultural awareness of Chinese society and its people through a Chinese buddy program, culture workshops, organized events, and field trips.

Harbin is the tenth largest city in China, with a population close to 10 million, and the political, economic, scientific, cultural, and communications center of Northeastern China. Harbin is one of the most beautiful cities in China and is well-known for its unique European and Russian-influenced architecture.

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) has a well-trained and experienced faculty and staff, most of whom have received the Certificate for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. The faculty has considerable experience in working with international students.

Internships in China

This 10-week summer internship program in Shanghai, China begins with a 2-week intensive Mandarin language course (no language proficiency required), followed by an 8-week full-time internship. This program centers on a combination of Mandarin language instruction, cultural training, social events, professional development, and internships that correspond to students’ academic interests. This unique international experience allows participants to gain an insight into Chinese business culture, meet industry leaders, and build professional networks while exploring the exquisite intricacies of Shanghai. Students earned 6 credits of internship and language elective credit on this program.

Emily Grachow, a former Chinese major, interned at Shanghai Metal Corporation in Summer 2017
Emily Grachow, a former Chinese major, interned at Shanghai Metal Corporation in Summer 2017

Study Abroad Scholarships for China & Taiwan

**Deadlines in Italics**


“In 2016, while I was a student at MSU studying Chinese, I had the privilege of receiving a scholarship to study Chinese language and culture in Taiwan on the recommendation of the Chinese program faculty. In my two months at National Cheng Kung University, I developed language skills and cultural competency far beyond what I had previously imagined myself capable of: I advanced my language abilities to a functional conversational proficiency and increased my understanding of Taiwanese culture from the mere appreciation of traditional short stories to a more complete understanding of Taiwan as a modern Asian democracy, one of the most progressive nations in Asia in terms of LGBTQ rights, and also as a nation with a complex history, leading to an intricate and precarious situation in modern international relations. I frequently reflect on my experiences in Taiwan; looking forward I hope to utilize my medical education in a manner that facilitates a continued relationship with the people there, be it in medical practice, medical education, or in collaborative research projects.”
Scott Pelland
Class of 2018
“The Huayu Enrichment Scholarship allowed me to put a face to the name of ‘Taiwan.’ It meant over 9 months of pairing every academic and emotional experience I had to the sensory landscape of Formosa. The sounds of an outdoor symphony in Da’an park amidst the oozing rubber trees, a circle of Taiji practitioners beating their limbs and counting in rhythm, the bitter and vivifying taste of herbal medicine, the echoes of a Christian hymn in the Chinese tongue, the pithiness of classical Chinese discussed over the steam of a roiling hot pot, even the jingle that played as I walked through the doors of 7-11 — these and other memories are painted upon my mind with the same striking clarity as my childhood home, and are just as dearly.”
Keegan McCorry
Chinese Major, Class of 2016