Director of the MA Program

a man with short dark hair wearing glasses

Peter De Costa, Professor

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin at Madison
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B257 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 884-7728

Core Faculty

Headshot Aline Godfroid_Sept 2021

Aline Godfroid, Professor

Ph.D., Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B253 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 353-6432


Debra Hardison, Associate Professor

Ph.D., Indiana University
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B256 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 884-1507


Shawn Loewen, Professor

Ph.D., University of Auckland in New Zealand
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B255 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 353-9790


Charlene Polio, Professor

Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B251 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 884-1502 


Patti Spinner, Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B258 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road


Koen Van Gorp, Assistant Professor

Ph.D., University of Leuven
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B262 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road


Paula Winke, Professor & SLS Director

Ph.D., Georgetown University
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B252 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 432-1149

Affiliated Faculty


Dustin De Felice, Associate Professor, Director of the English Language Center

Ph.D., Northeastern Illinois University
English Language Center
B230 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
Phone: (517) 432-2337


Senta Goertler, Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Arizona
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B266 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
Phone: (517) 355-5079


Amy Kroesche, Instructor

M.A., Michigan State University
Advisor/Instructor, English Language Center
Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road

Professor Emeritus


Susan Gass, University Distinguished Professor

Ph.D., Indiana University
Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures
B202 Wells Hall, 619 Red Cedar Road
(517) 353-0800