Studying German at MSU
The MSU German undergraduate program integrates language and culture learning at all levels of the curriculum. Whether you stay with us for just a few semesters or for a full BA in German, we guarantee you will enjoy the ride and gain valuable skills and knowledge for whatever future you imagine!
We encourage students to combine their study of German language and culture with other fields, through the additional major or double degree options, or with Teacher Education as a disciplinary major or minor. Our third-year Business German curriculum is of particular interest to many students. Three exciting Study Abroad options help students to immerse themselves in the language and culture in Germany for a summer, semester, or full academic year. Many funding opportunities exist to assist students who wish to study abroad.
MAJOR in German (34 credits)
To major in German at MSU, a student must complete the following requirements:
1) Two of the following 300-level courses (6 credits):
- GRM 301, Third-Year German: Global Germany (3 credits)
- GRM 302, Third-Year German: Nature in Germany (3 credits)
- GRM 303, Third-Year German: German Genders (3 credits)
- GRM 304, Third-Year German: German Media (3 credits)
- GRM 311, Business German I (3 credits)
2) Six additional credits at the 300-level, including at least one of the following courses (6 credits):
- GRM 341, German Lit and Culture Before 1918 (3 credits)
- GRM 342, German Lit and Culture Since 1918 (3 credits)
3) Twelve credits at the 400-level selected from the following courses (12 credits):
- GRM 420, Advanced German (W) (3 credits)
- GRM 435, 18th and 19th German Literary Studies (W) (3 credits)
- GRM 445, 20th Century and Contemporary German Literary Studies (W) (3 credits)
- GRM 455, Major Themes in German Cultural History (W) (3 credits)
- GRM 460, Linguistic Analysis of Modern German (3 credits)
- GRM 461, Applied Linguistics for German Learners and Teachers (3 credits)
- GRM 491, Special Topics in German Studies (1 to 4 credits)
4) The following capstone course (1 credit):
- GRM 492 Capstone Project (1 credit)
5) Elective courses:
Additional credits in German courses numbered 250 and above, with the exception of German 400, as needed to meet the requirement of at least 34, but not more than 40, credits in courses in the major. A maximum of 3 credits of German 250 or Linguistics and Languages 250A may be counted as elective credits toward the major.
6) Education Abroad requirement:
Students with a primary major in German are expected to participate in a education abroad experience approved by the German program. MSU study abroad programs are available at various sites in Germany and Austria throughout the year. Completion of German 202, or the equivalent, is a requirement for participation. Under special circumstances, equivalent experiences may be approved by the department.
7) Cognate requirement (15 Credits):
Selected courses must be from a single discipline or thematic area (European Studies focus recommended) and be advisor approved. At least one course must be at the 300-400 level. Cognate requirement is waived if completing another major, minor, or teacher certification.
8) College of Arts & Letters experiential requirement
Earn a minimum of 3 credits in on of the following experiential education options through an associated course approved by the College: internship, service/community engaged service learning experience, undergraduate research or creative project directed by a faculty member, a study abroad program, or a study away program.
ADDITIONAL MAJOR in German (28 Credits)
This option is designed to encourage students to combine a major in German with a major in another field such as international relations, political science, English, another foreign language, or engineering.
Students electing this option must meet the requirements of the College of Arts and Letters for the Bachelor of Arts degree and must complete the following requirements for the major in German:
- The German courses listed in items 1) through 4) above, plus one additional course of at least 3 credits, to meet the requirement of 28 credits. Additional majors are also expected to participate in a study abroad program as listed in item 6) above.
MINOR in German
Complete a minimum of 15 credits from the following. At least 12 credits must be at the 300-level or higher.
- GRM 201 Second-Year German I (3 credits)
- GRM 202 Second-Year German II (3 credits)
- Course work in German at the 300 or 400-level as approved by the advisor for the minor. At least 3 credits must be at the 400-level.
TEACHING MINOR in German (24 credits)
1) Two of the following courses (6 credits):
- GRM 301 Third-Year German: Global Germany (3 credits)
- GRM 302 Third-Year German: Nature in Germany (3 credits)
- GRM 303 Third-Year German: German Genders (3 credits)
- GRM 304 Third-Year German: German Media (3 credits)
- GRM 311 Business German I (3 credits)
2) All of the following courses:
- GRM 341 German Literature and Culture Before 1918 (3 credits)
- GRM 342 German Literature and Culture since 1918 (3 credits)
- GRM 420 Advanced German (W) (3 credits)
- GRM 460 Linguistic Analysis of Modern German (3 credits)
- GRM 461 Applied Linguistics for German Learners and Teachers (3 credits)
- LLT 307 Methods of Second and Foreign Language Teaching (3 credits)