The Open Language Resource Center at the University of Kansas and the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning at the University of Texas at Austin will host the 2023 Language Open Educational Resources Conference online on March 11, 2023, and several faculty members from the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at MSU will attend and present about their contributions to the field.
Sadam Issa and Ayman Mohamed, both professors of Arabic, will present about inclusive pedagogy and how it is implemented in their textbook Elementary Arabic I which was implemented in elementary Arabic classes along with the second part Elementary Arabic II. The textbooks integrate tasks for classroom communication targeting interpersonal, interpretive and presentational skills as well as self-assessment interactive activities created with H5P.

Rajiv Ranjan, who is a professor of Hindi and Urdu, will highlight his new book, Basic Urdu, which is his newest OER (Open Educational Resource) after the successful launch of his previous book, Basic Hindi. Some of the topics included in the Urdu textbook are family and describing places, and the book has a section that mirrors study abroad experiences. In his presentation, he will highlight this book and explain how this book is able to address several current challenges in teaching less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) such as lack of online interactive online materials. Materials based on post-pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning for diverse demographic learning communities. Basic Urdu is funded by the Asian Studies Center at MSU.

Wenying Zhou, professor of Chinese, will present her two-volume open textbook, Elementary Chinese I and Elementary Chinese II. Her books include thematic lessons on family, hobbies, transportation, and practical lessons on topics like ordering food.

Shannon Donnally Quinn, who teaches Russian at MSU, will present together with Liudmila Klimanova from the University of Arizona about their website LLC Commons, a searchable collection of open materials for learning Russian that is sponsored by CERCLL (the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy) at the University of Arizona.

Many of the OER projects have been funded by the MSU Libraries through the Open Educational Resources Program.