Elizabeth Mittman

Associate Professor of German

Office: B-262 Wells Hall
Phone: 517-355-5170
Email: mittman@msu.edu

Ph.D., German, University of Minnesota

Liz Mittman’s teaching and research interests include East German and postsocialist studies, film and visual culture, autobiography and life writing, memory cultures, and gender studies. She has published articles and review essays in SignsSeminarMonatshefteGerman Politics and Society, the Women in German Yearbook, and Foreign Language Annals. She is currently completing a book project on gender, voice, and the search for “authenticity” in representations of the German Democratic Republic. An emerging new project explores the relationship between music and cultural memory in post-Holocaust German and American contexts. She has served on the editorial board of the German Quarterly and was lead organizer of the Women in German annual national conference, 2009-2011. Liz is currently the Director of Graduate Studies for the German program.