Angelika Kraemer and Theresa Schenker have been appointed by the Executive Council to serve as co-editors of Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, starting with Volume 50, Issue 1 (Spring 2017). Die Unterrichtspraxis, published twice a year, promotes and supports excellence and innovation in the teaching of German language, literature, and culture in North America at all levels.

The journal embraces both the practical and the theoretical to insure that practitioners are kept abreast of trends in education, language teaching, research, and learning materials.
Angelika Kraemer is the Executive Associate Director of the Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) at Michigan State University and an affiliated faculty member in the German Studies Program. Angelika regularly serves as a peer reviewer for multiple journals, proceedings, and volumes, including AAUSC Issues in Language Program Direction, CALICO Journal, CALICO Monograph Series, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Foreign Language Annals, SLRF Proceedings, TESOL Journal, and Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German. She serves as Past President of the Michigan AATG, Past President of the Michigan World Language Association, Senior International Vice President of Phi Beta Delta, and Vice President of the Michigan chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.
Theresa Schenker is the Language Program Director of German and Senior Lector at Yale University and also currently serves as the CALICO Book Review Editor. Schenker is a PhD graduate of the German program
at Michigan State University, and regularly serves as peer reviewer for multiple journals, including CALICO Journal, Foreign Language Annals, Language, Culture, and Curriculum, and The Language Learning Journal. At Yale, she teaches all levels of German language as well as advanced language/culture courses. Theresa also advises undergraduate senior theses and serves as sophomore advisor. She is in charge of the intensive summer program in Berlin and also oversees the graduate student teaching training in the German Department. In 2014, she received the German Embassy Teacher of Excellence Award.
AATG President Hal Boland said, “We are confident entrusting Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German to the leadership and expertise of Angelika Kraemer and Theresa Schenker, and know that they will uphold its long tradition of excellence.”
Kraemer and Schenker plan to increase contributions in the areas of assessment, language for professional purposes, and alternative approaches to teaching German including through music and drama; and to encourage and support publications from authors who discuss pre-university learning contexts. They hope to encourage collaborations and research initiatives that consider language learning in children, teens, and young adults.
Founded in 1926, the AATG represents German teachers at all levels of instruction. The AATG is dedicated to the advancement and improvement of the teaching of language, literature, and culture of the German‐speaking countries.