Paula Winke
Office: B-252 Wells Hall
Phone: 517-353-9792
Email: winke@msu.edu
Website: winke.msu.domains
Ph.D, Georgetown University
Paula Winke’s primary research is on foreign and second language testing. She investigates the content and construct validity of high-stakes, standardized tests that English language learners and foreign language students take. She researches language-test reliability and methods for creating (and managing) placement and proficiency tests. Paula also researches language teaching methods, with a particular focus on task-based language assessment and task-based materials design. With Aline Godfroid, Paula co-directs the Second Language Acquisition Program’s Eye-tracking Labs. She is co-editor (with Luke Harding, Lancaster University, UK) of the journal Language Testing. From 1998 to 2000, Paula was a Peace Corps Volunteer in China. In 2008, she was a Fulbright Scholar in Hungary. In 2020, she will be a Fulbright Scholar to Germany. In 2008, she received the CALICO Article of the Year Award with Senta Goertler, and in 2012 she received the TESOL International Award for Distinguished Research. With Susan Gass, Paula is the PI on a $1,200,000 grant from the National Security Education Program; the funding supports a Proficiency Flagship at Michigan State University whose goal is to aid in the development of sustainable proficiency initiatives across the language programs at Michigan State. Currently, Paula is serving on a National Academy of Sciences committee, advising the U.S. Foreign Service Institute on foreign language proficiency testing methods.