Student of Japanese Wins Language Speech Contest
On February 10, Shiyuan Song in JPN202 (coached by Mariko Kawaguchi) won 1st place in the lower college division (1-2 years of study) of the Michigan Japanese Language Speech Contest. …
On February 10, Shiyuan Song in JPN202 (coached by Mariko Kawaguchi) won 1st place in the lower college division (1-2 years of study) of the Michigan Japanese Language Speech Contest. …
The College of Arts & Letters is mourning the loss of Ok-Sook Park, Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures (LiLaC), who died on Jan. 18, 2024.…
This article includes content and personal accounts about the Feb. 13 violence the Michigan State University community experienced and the aftermath. It may be disturbing and upsetting for some people…
As a recipient of a 2023 CREATE! Micro-Grant, Doug Mains, an English major with a focus in Creative Writing and a minor in Linguistics, spent this past semester creating a…
Twelve College of Arts & Letters faculty members currently are working on projects supported by 2023 Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP) Grants. The projects range from mixed media artwork…
Two students from the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures recently presented at the 11th annual Learning Abroad Conference (LAC). Co-sponsored by the Office for Education Abroad and the Office…
Jonathan Choti, Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures (LiLaC), received Michigan State University’s 2023-2024 Creating Inclusive Excellence Grant (CIEG) of $12,000 to further his community engagement…
Sara Cook, a senior with a double major in Linguistics and Communicative Sciences and Disorders, interned with the Clinical Applications of Speech Acoustics (CASA) Lab at Michigan State University, which…
Kiyotaka Suga is a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Second Language Studies (SLS). His dissertation study is “The roles of output-induced noticing in adult L2 acquisition: A process- and product-oriented study through eye-tracking”. In this study, he uses eye-tracking and stimulated recalls to examine how engaging in L2 output practice can push adult L2 learners to pay more attention to grammar features that they are learning and then eventually facilitate their grammar learning.
Adam Pfau is a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Second Language Studies (SLS) program. His dissertation examines how and to what extent direct (i.e., hands-on corpus use) or indirect (i.e., hands-off corpus materials) online data-driven learning modules can result in more appropriate hedging by Chinese English as a foreign language (EFL) writers in the context of academic English. This work involved developing and implementing two online courses, and a central focus of the study is on assessing the learners’ user experiences concerning any difficulties, challenges, or benefits they saw in engaging with the online course modules or the online language corpora.